Arpith Chacko Jacob - since 1982...

  'Addis Ababa, Ethiopia' by David Kirba

Thursday 29th 2004f July 2004, 03:18:28 am. Posted in: Plain Vanilla. 127 words.  

After working on a studio shoot of the Indian Batsmen and not getting their autographs because "I'm not a cricket fan," David's latest work is on the front page of BBC News Online!

The BBC News Online Photographer of the Year competition aims to find the best photographer - decided by internet users - from a selection of photos sent in on various themes. Round one was on "Street Life" and David's entry was one of 14 featured on the BBC's site.

'Addis Ababa, Ethiopia' by David Kirba

Congratulations! While it didn't get selected for the final round, it did get quite a few votes. I'm looking forward to your future entries (Hey, David enter the logo background for "Natural world," I can see a sure winner :) ).

I've been inspired to try my hand at photography!



for some reason they picked the worst of the 3 pictures I sent in. Oh well... I'll see what I can come up with for what's left of the competition. Nice write up dude! Made me blush... almost!

Posted by david [Member] at 03:17:59 pm on August 30, 2004

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